
Massimo Roscia

Massimo Roscia

    Born in Rome in 1970. Writer, food and wine critic, lecturer, and co-editor of the periodical Il Turismo Culturale. Author of novels, essays, research papers, guides and winner of several literary awards, he made his debut in 2006 with “Uno strano morso ovvero sulla fagoterapia e altre ossessioni per il cibo”, an original noir on the relationship between food and neurosis, which was a great success with both the public and critics. After the successful “La strage dei congiuntivi” (2014) he kept dealing with the Italian language with two more novels, until the recent “Il dannato caso del signor Emme”, a highly imaginative story on the theme of ‘damnatio memoriae’. For some years now he has been teaching communication, emotional writing techniques, editing, gastronomic literature and territorial marketing. In his free time he continues to doodle and wonder what he will do when he grows up.