

Valeria Corciolani

She was born and currently lives in Chiavari, near Genoa, with her family and animals. In addition to writing, she works as an illustrator and teaches courses in schools inspiring students to cultivate their creativity and hone their writing skills. Scopri

Massimo Roscia

Born in Rome in 1970. Writer, food and wine critic, lecturer, and co-editor of the periodical Il Turismo Culturale. Author of novels, essays, research papers, guides and winner of several literary awards, he made his debut in 2006 with “Uno Scopri

Ornella Fiorentini

She was born in Ravenna and got her Arts degree in Drama, Art and Music Studies at DAMS, University of Bologna. She won numerous literary awards and is actively publishing various books of hers, amongst which “Fiabe contemporanee” (1985), “Il Scopri